How to Modernize a Classic Ten Tec 670 Keyer

photo of the Perspective view of finished project

Over the years, Ten Tec has released a surprising number of CW (continuous wave or Morse Code) Keyers for Amateur Radio use. There have been two basic designs, single paddle and double or imabic paddle models.  Released in about 1975, the Model 670 is a single paddle version, intended for use with the Century 21 CW transceiver.

Building the Great QRP Labs QCX Radio

photo of the QCX Radio with Case and Key

I’ve been a Ham for over 45 years, but have never really gotten comfortable with Morse Code. Sure, I was able to pass the code requirement when I first got my Technician and later Advanced License, but my CW chops were always shaky at best. I had been more interested in building and modifying equipment anyway, so it didn’t seem like a major deficit.

How to Repair the Ten Tec Century 21 – A Great Classic Transceiver

photo of The Ten Tec Century 21

I look at Ebay from time-to-time, and lately I’ve been having a little too much fun. A Ten Tec Century 21 CW Transceiver (model 570) attracted my attention recently. The “570” was a solid-state radio intended for Novice hams and covered five bands: 80, 40, 20 (and with accessory crystals) 15 and 10 meters.  

How To Build a Great Audiophile Phono Preamp

Close up photo of the audiophile preamp circuit board

I began to haunt flea markets and old book and record stores looking for vinyl treasures. I still had a decent turntable, and had recently upgraded the cartridge, but my phono preamp was at least 10 years old and not the best to begin with. It sounded ok, but the next logical upgrade was a more serious audiophile phono preamp.