Epic Restoration of the Ten Tec Triton II
A little Ten Tec Triton history
The Ten Tec Triton I/II transceivers were released in the mid-1970’s and marked a milestone in High Frequency (HF) radios. With coverage for the 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10-meter amateur radio bands, 50 to 100 watt output on SSB and CW, they may have been the first affordable, fully solid-state models. I owned a Ten Tec Triton IV in the late 1970’s and always liked it. The Triton II (the 100 watt model) in this article came from an amateur radio buddy who had acquired it for his station, but didn’t want to spend the time repairing it. Although it was in rough shape, I though it would make a good radio for our teardrop trailer. It would allow some radio entertainment as we camped around the country.
Mice enjoy living in (and eating) radios

The set included the radio and the matching 262G power supply/VOX. It had been stored for some time, and was apparently popular with the mice who lived in the same shed. A little cleanup was first. The dial cord had disintegrated, the speaker cones had been gnawed through, both in the radio and in the power supply. It did power up, but there was no audio, and the power supply voltage was too high. That was ok, because I planned to use it on a 12-volt solar generator anyway. I set the power supply aside for later.
A new dial cord and speaker

After cleanup, the speaker and dial cord were first. The dial cord was pretty easy. Some elastic string from the fabric store worked. As you can see in the photo, the path is simple and it didn’t take long to get it working. The speaker was a little harder. Finding a replacement proved challenging since at 2-5/8-inches in diameter, the original part is unusual. I did finally find one though. Things were looking up, but still no audio output.
Troubleshooting the Triton’s audio problem

One of the great strengths of these early Ten Tec radios is their modular construction. Before selling complete radios, Ten Tec started with radio “building blocks” for experimenters, and that modular approach continued into the radio line. Schematics aren’t hard to find either, downloadable from several sources. I began troubleshooting, and it didn’t take long. The early Triton radios used a germanium complementary pair of transistors for the audio output, and they were toasted. Here’s a simplified version of the audio output circuit.
High-quality (and scarce) transistors

The transistors, 2n4105 (NPN) and 2n4016 (PNP) haven’t been made since the 1960’s. The fact that these transistors are still sought after by audio aficionados and guitar effects box enthusiasts just adds to the challenge. This ad from the May 1960 edition of Audio magazine shows another challenge — they came in several case styles.

eBay turned out to be the best source, but I couldn’t get both transistors with the original integrated heat sink. I ended up making a similar heat sink out of some aluminum. Some of the resistors in the final circuit were a little damaged, so I replaced them as well. We now had robust audio output.

Aligning the PTO
Ten Tec used a Permeability Tuned Oscillator (PTO) design to tune the radios of this era, and they are notorious for being stiff or even frozen. The problem is often caused by the grease that was used to lubricate the mechanism. Over decades, it tended to dry out and become sticky. The vernier also had brass bearings that could wear unevenly. At one time, Ten Tec even offered a “rebuild kit,” but they haven’t been available for years. I wrote about the PTO rebuild process in an earlier article.
Fortunately, this radio tuned pretty smoothly but the replacement of the dial string had ruined the calibration. Each of the five bands has a coil with two slugs for adjustment. One slug tunes the frequency while the other sets the band spread. The alignment process is described in the operator’s manual and requires a special non-metallic hexagonal tool and a frequency counter or calibrated receiver.
It sounds simple, but in practice takes patience. The two adjustments interact and the slugs don’t always turn smoothly inside the coil. The resulting frequency jumps can be quite frustrating. Eventually I was able to meet the specified linearity for the radio — within 5 kHz at every 100 kHz interval. Fortunately the Triton II has a crystal calibrator, and the calibrated dial skirt can be reset for greater accuracy within each 100 kHz segment.
A new digital dial
I really missed the digital frequency readout of my original Triton IV though. In searching for an inexpensive frequency counter module I could use to “spot” the transmit frequency, I found something even better. A frequency counter module for modernizing old receivers! The module is available from various sellers, and can often be found by searching for Model PLJ-8LED-H on eBay. The Triton II has a 9 mHz intermediate frequency (IF) that when added to or subtracted from the PTO, equals the receive frequency. For example, on 80 meters, the PTO tunes from 12.5 to 13.0 mHz. If you subtract the 9 mHz IF, the radio tunes between 3.5 to 4.0 mHz. Other bands add the IF to the injection frequency, complicating our frequency counter needs. Here’s a chart that shows the relationships:
- 80 Meters: 12.5 – 13.0 mHz minus 9 mHz = 3.5 – 4.0 mHz
- 40 Meters: 16.0 – 16.6 mHz minus 9 mHz = 7.0 – 7.5 mHz
- 20 Meters: 05.0 – 05.5 mHz plus 9 mHz = 14.0 – 14.5 mHz
- 15 Meters: 12.0 – 12.5 mHz plus 9 mHz = 21.0 – 21.5 mHz
- 10 Meters: 19.0 – 21.0 mHz plus 9 mHz = 28.0 – 30 mHz

This amazing counter module can do the math. After the frequency of the PTO is measured, 9 mHz is either added or subtracted to display the radio’s frequency. Even better, there are two memory locations that can be selected with an external switch.

One memory is set for 80 and 40 meters, while the other is set for the other bands. A switch toggles between them. In this way we have a digital frequency readout that makes the radio a lot more useable. I packaged the counter in a beige plastic box with a red plexiglass lens, but any convenient chassis will do.
Repairing the power supply
With the radio repaired, and a partial alignment, it was time to repair the power supply, a Model 262G. I had originally avoided this task, because I planned to use the Triton II exclusively in the trailer. Then I realized that a high-current regulated supply would be nice, and it also included a Voice Operated Relay (VOX) circuit for hands-free communication. I measured the output, and it was about 18 volts — way too high. The linear regulator is similar to the circuit shown below, with a high-current 2n3055 pass transistor. I thought it might be as simple as replacing that transistor. I haven’t been able to find a manual for the 262, and the transistor was mounted on an external heat sink — and painted black. I was able to scrape enough paint off to see what it was — a 2n5301 — good for up to 30 amps. I tested it, and sure ’nuff, it was shorted. I was able to find some for sale on eBay for about $4 apiece. Once installed, the power supply worked just fine.

Patching the holes in the speaker

The bigger problem was the external speaker on the 262. Intended to replace the small internal speaker on the Triton II, it had been eaten by mice and had several holes in the cone. Some time earlier, I had run across a method of repairing speaker cones on YouTube and decided to try that before replacing the speaker.

The method involves gluing a half-thickness of ordinary paper towel with a little white glue on the front and back side of the damaged area. Once the glue is dry, a quick spray with black semi-gloss spray paint hides the repair. It worked beautifully, and I avoided the hunt for a 3 by 5-inch oval speaker.

The sweet sounds of analog audio . . .
So how is the radio now? It still needs a complete alignment and could use some cosmetic work, but I’ve been able to make a few contacts with it. The digital display takes the guesswork out of reading frequency, and the radio still makes around 100 watts of output on every band except 80 meters. The receiver seems to hear pretty well, although I’m sure an alignment will help that also. Bottom line: it’s a fun radio to use and takes me back to my early ham days!

very nice!
Hi Jim – I’m just in the process of unpacking my old Triton analog xceiver today. I’ve rebuilt an old TenTec 315 receiver and with that experience I thought I would dig into my old 540. Got the stretch cord coming shortly – it’s definitely old and preventing me from reaching my old CW stomping ground. Just a question – where did you grab the signal for the freq counter?? tnx for a very, very good article on the Triton. WB3GBL / virginia
Hi Rich – Thanks – I’m glad you found the article useful! Grabbing the signal is the easiest part. There are four wires connecting the PTO to the radio, and one of them is the PTO output. It’s easy to identify as it goes through another aluminum bulkhead that is connected to a small coaxial cable (RG-214?). This leads to other parts of the radio that use the PTO signal. Just connect directly to that. The frequency counter has a high enough impedance that it doesn’t seem to effect the radio’s performance. I borrowed a connector on the back of the radio — I think it was the phone patch output — to connect the frequency counter. 73’s, Jim
Jim; tnx for the reply – I think I’ve found the exact Freq. Counter that you used. Maybe it’s cheaper to just let this box (Triton IV) go up on ebay but it’s become a part of the family now hi hi. I did get the stretch cord for the PTO dial indicator today and I’m pretty happy with it. Amazon link here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00L3NGGNI/?coliid=I2B65TBXOJQJ2O&colid=3QR7THH1UCDWJ&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it Thanks again and I’ll check your posts for whatever you’re up to… sk wb3gbl rick
Perfect! I’ll file that away for future reference. —Jim
Stumbling across this thread reminded me that I never succeeded in getting the prescribed PLJ-8LED-H display to work with my Triton 540 (Triton IV). The easiest part for me is was finding 12v to power the display but finding the signal to drive the display failed. Since Ten-Tec’s factory Model 244 frequency display used the round accessory socket for both power and signal, that’s where I looked for both sources and never considering repurposing another jack. No pinout combination ever resulted in finding the signal. Much of the problem center around the inability to find a schematic with enough resolution to positively identify the Accessory socket pinouts.
Try looking at the schematic for the 544. It contains both the Model 244 Digital Frequency Readout, and the pinout for the accessory socket. It can be downloaded at http://www.tentec.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Model_544_Owner_Manual7038.pdf. The PLJ-8LED display works by reading the VFO output (pin 8 on the accessory socket) and either adding or subtracting 9 MHz. The text of the post describes how to do that.
The digital display mod looks brilliant! I have a later Triton 540, but the +- 9 MHz math for the various bands still applies. I used my frequency counter to adjust the tracking and accuracy of the PTO/VFO on 14 MHz only (5.0 – 5.5 MHz at the PTO), per the alignment instructions in the manual. I didn’t realize there were similar dual-slug coils for the other bands. 15 and 10 meters are still a bit off. Will check the schematic for their coils.
I see the displays are still available on Amazon. Should make a nice addition to the old rig.
The 540 was given to me by a fellow analog camera enthusiast. It had been in storage for 15 years after being returned from Ten Tec for alignment and repair. It was still in the custom foam box! I’ve been having a great time with it on 40 meters. The CW full break-in is fantastic. I only needed to restring the dial cord, but a replacement string and elastic were in the box!
Thanks for you interest and kind words. Glad you found it useful. As you may have guessed, I have a soft spot in my heart for the Triton series radios — Good luck with your alignment and display upgrade. They are great CW rigs!
I finished up my external display and case/switches/connectors for my “new” Triton 540 yesterday. It came out great! Some pics and a short video clip at:
The frequency counter is powered from the 12vdc auxiliary power jack from the back of the radio. The input to the counter is from the accessory octal socket on the back where the VFO signal connects to both the external TX and RX VFO inputs. Twisting the input leads to the module and using mini-coax for the RF input minimizes transmit RFI.
I run the module at a 0.1 second gating rate for responsiveness during frequency changes at the expense of 1 Hz. resolution. The module’s time base zero beats within a few Hz with both WWV and the internal 25 KHz crystal calibrator in the radio. A switch adds/subtracts the 9 MHz IF from the VFO output, for correct display of the receive frequency.
Thanks for the idea!
Glad to hear your project worked well. It looks very nice in the photos and vid. Thanks for checking out my blog!